Entrance Test
- Duration: approx. 1-3 hours
- Start: at 11 a.m
- Available time for online-test: 24 hours
- Test location: at school or online (During the holiday season, an entrance test is only possible online.)
- Result: after 3 working days by email
Entrance test for German courses A2-C1
In the case of intensive and evening courses from level A2, the classification into the correct level takes place with the help of an entrance test.
In the entrance test, you should show that you have the necessary language skills to successfully attend the course. The entrance test at Perfect German consists of 3 parts and checks your language skills in the sub-competencies of reading, listening and grammar.
Specifically, your language skills such as reading and listening comprehension and understanding of textual contexts will be tested. You will also be asked about your knowledge of grammar and your command of spelling.
The entrance test is not necessary for the courses:
- A1 Intensiv (approx. 200 units), A1 in the evening (approx.120 units)
- telc-, TestDaF-Crashkurse
- Spezialkurse
- telc-Prüfungen
You can register for these courses directly online or in the office.
The entrance test is compulsory for the courses:
- A2, B1, B2, C1 Intensive (approx. 200 units)
- A2, B1, B2 in the evening, (approx. 120 teaching units)
- B2/C1 Medizin (approx. 150 units)
Please note: taking the test and the correct placement are crucial for successful participation in the language course.
Additionally for the online test:
After we have received the fee for the entrance test, you will receive the login data by e-mail in good time before the start of the test.
Read the rules for taking the entrance test carefully.
- You have 24 hours to take the entrance test.
- The login data for the entrance test is valid from 11:00 a.m. on the day for which you registered until 11:00 a.m. of the next day.
- The test consists of 3 parts: Reading, Grammar and Listening.
- Each part of the exam is timed.
- Turn off your cell phone before the test so you won’t be disturbed!
- Take the online test on the laptop/computer. Use the Chrome, Mozilla or Firefox browser.
- Check your speaker before the listening part of the exam.
- After you start an exam task, you CANNOT take a break. The time is running!
- When you are finished with a part of the exam, please press “Submit”! Then the test will be sent to Perfekt Deutsch!
- After the time has elapsed (even if you haven’t finished the test yet), the tasks are automatically sent to Perfekt Deutsch.
- You can take longer breaks between the parts of the exam, i.e. between the parts reading, grammar and listening.
- You only have 1 attempt at this admission test.
- After the test: Within 2-3 days you will receive an email with your test results and further steps.
After the test: after 3 days you will receive an email with your test results and further steps.
Perfekt Deutsch recommends the following to prepare you for the entrance test:
Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe von Friedrich Clamer / Erhard G. Heilmann, Verlag Liebaug-Dartmann ISBN: 978-3-922989-70-7, Lösungen dazu: ISBN: 978-3-922989-71-4
Übungsgrammatik für die Mittelstufe von Friedrich Clamer / Erhard G. Heilmann, Verlag Liebaug-Dartmann ISBN: 978-3-922989-51-6, Lösungen dazu: ISBN: 978-3-922989-52-3
Overview of the entrance test content at Perfekt Deutsch:
Entrance test for level A2
Verstehen und Bearbeiten einfacher Texte
Kontext: AlltagssituationenGrammatik:
- Personal-/Possessivpronomen im Nom., Dativ und Akk.
- Modalverben
- (un)trennbare Verben
- Verben mit Akk. und/oder Dativ
- Präpositionen mit Akk.und/oder Dat
- Perfekt
- Konjunktionen aduso, weil
- Imperativ
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten einfacher Texte
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen
Schriftlicher Ausdruck:
- Schreiben eines einfachen Textes (Brief)
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen
Entrance test for level B1
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten einfacher Texte
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen
- reflexive Verben (Akk.)
- Nebensatz mit weil, dass, wenn, als, wenn, damit und um…zu
- indirekte Fragesätze
- Modalverben im Präteritum
- Wechselpräpositionen mit Dativ und Akk.
- Präpositionen mit Dativ und Akk.
- Komparativ und Superlativ
- Vergleichssätze mit als, wie
- Konjunktiv II (Ratschläge, höfliche Bitten, Wünsche)
- Genitiv
- Adjektivdeklination nach dem bestimmten/unbestimmten Artikel
- Verben mit Präposition
- Adjektivdeklination
- Relativsätze im Nominativ und Akkusativ
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten einfacher Texte
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen
Schriftlicher Ausdruck:
- Schreiben eines komplexeren Textes (Argumentation)
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen
Entrance test for level B2
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten komplexerer Texte
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen/Wissenschaft
- Infinitiv mit zu
- Verb lassen
- Nebensatz mit obwohl, da, so dass
- Genitiv
- Präpositionen wegen, trotz, innerhalb, außerhalb
- temporale Präpositionen vor, nach, während, bevor, nachdem, seit
- Präteritum
- Konjunktiv II
- irreale Bedingungssätze
- Pronominaladverbien,
- Verben mit Präposition und Nebensatz
- Komparativ und Superlativ der Adjektive
- n-Deklination
- reflexive Verben (Akk./Dativ)
- Futur I
- Relativsätze und Relativpronomen was und wo
- Plusquamperfekt
- zweiteilige Konnektoren
- Adjektivdeklination ohne Artikel
- Passiv
- Proportionalsätze
- Partizip II und I als Adjektiv
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten komplexerer Texte
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen/Wissenschaft
Schriftlicher Ausdruck:
- Schreiben eines komplexeren Textes (Argumentation)
- Kontext: Alltagssituationen/Wissenschaft
Entrance test for level C1&DSH / telc / TestDaF; B2/C1 for doctors
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten anspruchsvoller Texte
- Kontext: Wissenschaft
- Zustandspassiv
- Modalverbersatzformen
- Nebensätze (temporal, konsekutiv, modal, konzessiv)
- Nominalisierung
- Verbalisierung
- Partizipialattribute
- Konjunktiv I
- Verstehen und Bearbeiten anspruchsvoller Texte
- Kontext: Wissenschaft
Schriftlicher Ausdruck:
- Schreiben eines komplexen Textes (Argumentation inklusive einer Grafikbeschreibung)
- Kontext: Wissenschaft
Your advantages with Perfekt Deutsch:
- professional German courses: online or in school
- systematic communication of the course content
- in-house teaching materials and course concepts
- high learning pace
- continuous repetition of grammatical structures and vocabulary
- regular tests to monitor learning progress
- individual error analyzes and feedback
- daily homework and meetings
- Use of modern media in the classroom
- highly qualified DaF teachers
- Licensed examination center for telc, TestDaF, TestAS and OnSET exams
- central location in Dortmund city center
- regular course and exam dates
- free advice possible at any time
Frequently bought together
B2 German Intensive course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Сapacity: approx. 200 lessons
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€A2 German intensive course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Сapacity: approx. 200 lessons
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€telc C1 Hochschule course
Next course: 20.03 - 15.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Schedule: Mon-Thu, 08:00-12:15
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€B1 German intensive course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Сapacity: approx. 200 lessons
- Schedule: Mon-Thu, 08:00-12:15
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€Students also bought
B2 evening course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 469€A1 German intensive course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Сapacity: approx. 200 lessons
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€B1 evening course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 469€C1 DSH intensive course
Next course: 20.03 - 22.05.25
- Duration: approx. 2 months
- Start: every 2 months
- Сapacity: approx. 200 lessons
- Course location: Dortmund or online
Choose a date 589€